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The Few, The Fit Scholarship

We are working on the application process and program guidelnes NOW.


Since MadFitter™ is a brand new company it is going to take time to fund our first Military Athlete but I’m convinced that it will be soon. I do not want to mis-lead anyone to thinking that its going to be something right away. But my full intentions is to get this program off the ground! Because in my heart its the most important aspect. Since I my self am Active Duty getting qualified trainers is priorit. - Logan Barton/ MadFitter CEO 14Sept14


ALSO stay tuned for an affilate program to help futher their trainers knowledge.









© ​2014 MADFITTER LLC.  ***Disclaimer: MadFitter™ is not endorsed by nor affiliated with the Department of Defense, United States Military and or CrossFit®.***

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