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Take a picture of you throwing down or rocking MadFitter gear! And we we add you to the MadFitter™ slide show.
Take a picture of your PR while wearing Hero Wraps by MadFitter™!  And we will add you to the Hero Wraps slide show.


To the men and women who donated their unifroms we Thank You for your service and donation!

Support the cause, donate your

uniforms today!

Take a picture with your Boom Bell™ either training or competting and we will put it on our Boom Bell by MadFitter slide show.  


Every Boom Bell™ sold we give back to our Military athletes and charties. Smash WOD's with the most awesome kettle bell on the planet and give back to your community! Putting the Boom in Boom Bell! 

© ​2014 MADFITTER LLC.  ***Disclaimer: MadFitter™ is not endorsed by nor affiliated with the Department of Defense, United States Military and or CrossFit®.***

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